How We Work
Comprehensive Strategy, Superior Execution

Teeming Media's process moves between qualitative and quantitative assessment, analysis, testing and production, working from models that incorporate internal understanding, creative brainstorming, market research and client needs. We focus on crucial elements and critical paths.
Attract —> Engage —> Activate
Our proprietary methodology works along our unique Digital Content Value Chain, from creation through monetization, finely honing each step in the process in order to achieve maximum benefits. Our business modeling methodology can test scenarios, map performance to KPIs and be used predictively.
The Digital Content Value Chain
Our Digital Content Value Chain framework combines the best of “right brain” creativity with unparalleled “left brain” analysis to help create, iterate and continually improve. Our method gives you flexibility, consistency, and strategy guidance.

Our orientation is toward authenticity, conversation and transparency, both with our clients and in outward facing media efforts, while understanding the need for discretion and respect of organizational culture. Our approach is to match a your voice with the channels and constituencies involved. We believe not in templated but rather tailored solutions in selection of channels, language and tools. We work collaboratively, sharing our expertise and processes. We share our materials and data openly with you except in a rare instance when a subject requires confidentiality. The data -- raw and analyzed -- are always shared.
Previous relevant engagements that inform our work include:
Content strategies for initiatives by major CPG, advertising technology, and financial products brands
Audience and marketplace analyses on behalf of mass and niche news media
Content production, including text, audio, video, interactive graphics and data visualization for major and niche media, technology and educational concerns
Strategic knowledgebase, taxonomy, and content plans, and development of the same for major media technology, advertising, and financial technology companies.
Teeming Media's team and network includes executives who have worked with major business and consumer
publishing concerns, such as Hearst Publishing, NBC Universal, McGraw Hill, Thomson Reuters, Forbes,
Booz & Company (now Strategy&), Conde Nast, broadcast and cable television networks including ABC,
Food Network, PBS and The Learning Channel, other leading information, entertainment and consumer
products goods companies, leading institutions of higher learning, and fast-moving startups.